- ENGLISH Major activities
Major activities
Project we are working on…
We disseminate Japanese fashion culture to the world.
Our web magazine “style-arena.jp” that visually introduces the fashion culture of Japan to the world, fresh information is provided weekly centering on the fashion and style of people out on the streets, the latest shop culture, and distinctive characteristics and lifestyles of ordinary people.
〈 Street Fashion from Tokyo’s Hot Spots 〉 Observations are made from fixed spots in “Harajuku”, “Shibuya”, “Omotesando”, “Daikanyama” and “Ginza”, and photographs of what is happening on the streets are published, thus disseminating the fashions enjoyed by regular people.
Our website “style-arena.jp” overseas access, primarily from Asia, already accounts for over 50% of total hits to the site, making it the most popular fashion website in Japan.
This site had on average 4 million views per month and 420,000 unique browsers in 2012. It remained at the top spot among fashion web-magazines in Japan.
Access to the site has increased from overseas focusing on Asian countries and there have been a number of requests for images published on the site.

Asia Fashion Federation
We increase exchanges with Asia.
Established in 2003, Asia Fashion Federation comprises the six member countries of China, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Japan.
The AFF conducts a wide range of activities with the aims of promoting mutual understanding of lifestyles, cultures and the fashion industry, providing mutual assistance in entering markets, and spreading Asian fashion to the world.

Color Business Network
We popularize the concept of color planning to various in dustries.
Established a network of color professionals from many companies, and vitalize the color business by getting their cooperation.

Japan Creation Award
We reward works or people contributed to create better life culture.
There are many things or people that contributed to establish our better life culture.
We look for those and give an award and introduce those to a wide audience.

Cinema Yume Club
We introduce good quality movies.
To watch the good quality movies makes our lives rich and hopeful.
We introduce movies which are recommended by noted Japanese business leaders.

Creative City Promotion
We promote the Creative City Project
We advance the Creative City Promotion Project with the aim of fostering city planning that nurtures creativity through an affluent life-style culture. We hold symposium-style conferences to promote this project concept once a year in Japan.
In addition, the local information sharing website machi-jiman. net was established in 2011 as a place for the exchange of experiences and opinions among different areas.
This site shared 134 topics about various types of information from local authorities, chambers of commerce and industry and tourist associations over the span of 1 year from April, 2012 to the end of March, 2013.

We support working women.
From the perspective of working women, we look for women’s work-balance and offer some recommendations to achieve fruitful lives for them.